Love hanging out with your friends and piles of vintage bike parts? Then you would have loved the 2024 Wellington Bike Swap!
While it rained outside the Tararua Tramping Club served as the perfect space for the local bike community to come together and buy, sell and swap their old bike parts. Whether you were looking for a particular component or just keen to add to your ever-growing parts bin there was something for everyone. Carbon cranks jostled for space with moto-x handlebars and vintage derailleurs creating a overwhelming but somehow cohesive jumble of colours and textures.

The term "One man's trash is another man's treasure" never rang more true and after a few hours everyone went home with bags overflowing. Any parts left over were donated to the Mechanical Tempest, Wellington's longest running community bike shop. Thanks to Coffee Supreme we were also able to raise over $200 to go towards the Mechanical Tempest's new workshop space!

With so many bike parts being thrown in the bin it was incredibly affirming to see the local bike community come together and give a new life to old parts. We'll do it all again next year so best start cataloguing those parts bins!